Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our dental clinic is open from Monday to Friday, starting at 8:00 am and closing at 7:00 pm. On Saturdays, we operate from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm.
  • Our medical clinic is open from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, our hours are from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Yes, we understand that emergencies can happen unexpectedly. We accept walk-ins for both medical and dental emergencies during our regular operating hours. Our team is equipped to provide prompt and efficient care to address urgent health concerns.
Yes, complimentary parking is available for patients at the Multi Storey car parks near Welbee’s Supermarket Parking. Patients visiting our clinic can enjoy one hour of free parking, providing convenient access to our facility without any parking fees.
At Camilleri Dental Medical Clinic, we provide services in a variety of languages, including English, Maltese, French, Italian, and Spanish. Our multilingual staff ensures effective communication and a welcoming environment for all patients.

Paediatric Dentistry

A paediatric dentist specialises in the dental care of children and teenagers, emphasising their unique developmental stages. They undergo additional years of training beyond dental school, equipping them with expertise in addressing the specific oral health needs of young patients. In contrast, a family dentist provides comprehensive oral healthcare for patients of all ages, encompassing children, adults, and seniors. While paediatric dentists focus on the distinct requirements of young patients, family dentists offer a broad range of services to address the dental health needs of the entire family. Both play vital roles in ensuring optimal oral health across diverse age groups.
Routine visits to a paediatric dentist are crucial for maintaining your child's optimal oral health. In general, we recommend scheduling appointments every six months. These regular check-ups allow our paediatric dental team to monitor your child's dental development, address any emerging concerns, and provide preventive care. However, individual needs may vary, and our paediatric dentist will tailor a personalised schedule based on your child's specific oral health requirements. Consistent dental visits contribute to early detection and proactive management of potential issues.We send email reminders every six months to ensure you stay informed about upcoming recall visits.
During your child's first visit to the dentist, our paediatric dental team prioritises creating a positive and comfortable experience. The initial appointment typically involves a gentle examination of your child's mouth, gums, and any emerging teeth. Our paediatric dentist will discuss proper oral hygiene practices and offer guidance on nutrition for optimal dental health. We focus on building a foundation of trust and imparting positive dental habits for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Ensure your child maintains a consistent oral care routine by brushing their teeth twice daily for approximately 2 minutes with a toothpaste which has the appropriate amount of fluoride according to their age. Engage in a conversation with our dentists to explore the potential benefits of a fluoride mouthwash, enhancing tooth enamel resistance against decay. Encourage a mindful approach to nutrition by limiting sugary foods and drinks, including juice, and promoting a balanced diet with abundant fresh fruits and vegetables. Lastly, prioritise regular appointments for our team to assess your child's dental health, conduct thorough check-ups, and perform professional cleanings. This comprehensive approach ensures proactive care and supports your child's overall oral well-being.

Yes, dental X-Rays are considered safe when conducted with proper precautions. The amount of radiation exposure during dental X-Rays is minimal, and advancements in technology have significantly reduced radiation levels. Our dental team follows strict safety protocols, including the use of lead aprons and modern equipment, to further minimise exposure. The benefits of dental X-Rays in aiding accurate diagnoses and treatment planning far outweigh the minimal risk. 

Introducing toothpaste into a child's oral care routine is an important step in promoting dental health. We recommend using a small smear of fluoride toothpaste, about the size of a grain of rice, for children under three years old ideally with 1000 ppm Fluoride. For children aged three to six, a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste with more than 1,000 ppm is sufficient. Children over 7 and adults should brush at least twice daily with a toothpaste containing 1,350-1,500pm fluoride. Begin incorporating toothpaste as soon as the first tooth emerges. It's essential to supervise toothbrushing until the child can effectively spit out the toothpaste, typically around the age of six, to ensure they receive the benefits of fluoride without swallowing excessive amounts. Regular toothbrushing, with an appropriate amount of fluoride toothpaste, contributes to strong and healthy teeth.
If your child experiences a toothache, take immediate steps to provide relief. Encourage gentle brushing and flossing around the affected tooth to ensure cleanliness. A warm saltwater rinse can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Apply a cold compress on the outside of the cheek for short intervals to numb the area and minimise swelling. Administer age-appropriate over-the-counter pain relievers following recommended dosage guidelines. It's crucial to avoid placing aspirin directly on the tooth or gums, as this may lead to irritation. Contact our dental team promptly for professional evaluation and guidance to address the underlying cause of the toothache. Swift attention and appropriate care can relieve your child's discomfort and prevent potential complications.


Wearing braces requires special attention to oral hygiene. Regular brushing is crucial. Clean around brackets and wires using a soft or medium bristle toothbrush, an interdental brush, and fluoride toothpaste to prevent plaque buildup. We recommend that you also use a fluoride mouthrinse. You may also incorporate daily flossing with special orthodontic floss or a floss threader to reach between teeth and around wires, minimising the risk of cavities. Sugary foods can cause decay around the brace. You should not eat or snack on foods that contain sugar, in between meals and at least one hour before bedtime. Any form of sugar is harmful, be it natural or refined. Additionally, be mindful of your diet, avoiding sticky and hard foods that may damage braces, and cutting crunchy fruits and vegetables into smaller, bite-sized pieces. Keeping your regular appointments with your orthodontist for adjustments and progress evaluations are essential to ensure the effective and successful progression of your orthodontic treatment. By adopting these practices, you can maintain optimal oral health throughout your time with braces.

While orthodontic treatments may cause initial discomfort as your teeth adjust, any pain is generally mild and manageable with simple over-the counter painkillers. Applying orthodontic wax can help alleviate any irritation caused by braces rubbing against the cheeks or lips. Our orthodontic specialists prioritise your comfort throughout the process, employing techniques and technologies to minimise discomfort. Regular check-ups and open communication with our team ensure that any concerns are promptly addressed, ensuring a positive and pain-free orthodontic experience.
Absolutely! Orthodontic treatments are not limited to children and teenagers. Adults of any age can benefit from orthodontic care to correct misalignments, enhance their smiles, and improve oral health. With discreet options like tooth coloured brackets and clear aligners, adults can confidently pursue orthodontic treatment without compromising aesthetics. Our experienced orthodontists are dedicated to providing personalised solutions for patients of all ages, ensuring effective and tailored outcomes.
Orthodontic treatment duration varies based on individual factors, including the complexity of the orthodontic issues and the chosen treatment method. Typically, patients wear braces for a period ranging from 6 to 30 months. However, the exact timeline is determined after a thorough evaluation during the initial consultation. Regular follow-up appointments and adherence to the recommended treatment plan are crucial for the success and efficiency of the orthodontic process. While the duration may vary, the positive transformation of achieving a beautifully aligned smile makes the commitment to wearing braces worthwhile.
Invisalign, a popular clear aligner option, is highly effective for addressing mild to moderate orthodontic issues. It offers a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces, allowing patients to straighten their teeth without the visibility of metal brackets. While both Invisalign and traditional braces are effective, the choice depends on individual needs, and our experienced orthodontists will guide you towards the most suitable option for achieving optimal results.
Regular orthodontic appointments are crucial for the success and efficiency of your treatment. Typically scheduled every 4-6 weeks, these visits allow our orthodontists to make necessary adjustments, monitor progress, and address any concerns that may arise. Consistent check-ups ensure that your orthodontic journey is on track, contributing to a smooth and successful treatment outcome.
A retainer serves a crucial role in orthodontic treatment by maintaining the corrected alignment of teeth following the removal of braces. After braces have successfully guided the teeth into their desired positions, a retainer ensures that the teeth remain stable and do not revert to their previous misalignments. A retainer is a custom-made device, allowing the supporting structures of the teeth to adapt to their new positions and promoting long-term orthodontic success. It also guards against the tendency for teeth to move slightly over the years. Consistent use of the retainer, as advised by the orthodontic team, is essential to preserve the results achieved through orthodontic treatment.

Root Canal Treatment

Choosing to visit an Endodontist, a specialist in root canal procedures, offers several advantages. Endodontists undergo additional specialised training, making them experts in diagnosing and treating issues related to the tooth's pulp and surrounding structures. Their expertise ensures precise and efficient root canal treatments, often with advanced technologies and techniques. Endodontists also stay updated on the latest advancements in their field, providing patients with access to state-of-the-art care. Opting for an Endodontist can enhance the overall quality and success of root canal procedures, ensuring comprehensive and specialised treatment for optimal oral health outcomes.
The cost of a root canal procedure varies depending on factors such as the tooth's location, complexity, and the extent of damage. Additionally, the type of restoration required, like a dental crown, may influence the total cost. Consulting with the dentist for a personalised cost estimate based on individual circumstances allows for better understanding of the financial aspects associated with root canal treatment. This ensures informed decision-making regarding oral health and treatment costs.
The duration of a root canal procedure depends on factors such as the tooth's location, complexity, and the extent of infection. On average, the treatment can be completed in one to two appointments, with each session lasting about 90 minutes. However, the dentist will provide a personalised estimate during the initial consultation.
If a tooth is not causing pain, it does not necessarily mean that a root canal is not required. Pain is often a symptom of advanced dental issues, and the absence of pain does not rule out underlying problems. A dentist will conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays, to assess the tooth's health. Even in the absence of pain, indications such as deep cavities, infection, or damage visible on X-rays may warrant a root canal to address the underlying issues and prevent potential complications. Early detection and proactive treatment contribute to maintaining optimal oral health.
Following a root canal, some sensitivity in the treated tooth is normal for a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can be used to manage any discomfort. Typically, a dental crown is placed on the treated tooth to restore its strength and protection. To ensure a successful recovery, it's important to follow the dentist's post-treatment care instructions. These may include recommendations for oral hygiene, dietary considerations, and any prescribed medications. Attending scheduled follow-up appointments allows the dentist to monitor the healing process and address any concerns promptly, contributing to a successful and lasting outcome.
Preventing the need for a root canal involves maintaining good oral hygiene practices and addressing dental issues promptly. Regular brushing and flossing help prevent cavities and gum disease, reducing the risk of infection reaching the tooth's pulp. Routine dental check-ups allow early detection and treatment of dental problems, preventing them from progressing to the point of requiring a root canal. Adopting a balanced diet, low in sugary foods, and avoiding habits like teeth grinding further contribute to overall oral health and may reduce the likelihood of needing a root canal.
Root canal treatment has a high success rate, with over 95% of procedures leading to positive outcomes. The procedure involves removing infected or damaged pulp from the tooth, cleaning and sealing the canal to prevent further infection. Success depends on various factors, including the tooth's location, the extent of damage, and the patient's overall oral health. Following post-treatment care instructions, such as placing a dental crown, and attending follow-up appointments contribute to the procedure's success. Regular dental check-ups help monitor the treated tooth's health, ensuring long-term stability and functionality.

Oral Surgery and Implants

Recovery time after oral surgery varies depending on the procedure's complexity. For routine extractions like wisdom teeth removal, patients typically recover within a few days. Following post-operative care instructions, managing discomfort with prescribed medications, and adhering to dietary guidelines all contribute to a smoother recovery. Regular follow-up appointments with the oral surgeon play a crucial role in monitoring healing progress and addressing any concerns promptly. Open communication about symptoms during recovery ensures a comprehensive approach to care, promoting the best possible outcomes from the oral surgery procedure.
Answer: Almost anyone missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or all teeth can be considered a candidate for dental implants, provided they have good overall health, healthy gums, and sufficient jawbone density. A comprehensive evaluation by Dr NIgel Camilleri is crucial to determine individual candidacy, considering factors such as oral health, medical history, and lifestyle habits. Commitment to maintaining excellent oral hygiene and attending regular dental check-ups enhances the long-term success of dental implants, ensuring they serve as a durable and effective solution for tooth replacement.
Dental implants stand as a resilient and enduring solution for addressing missing teeth. Crafted to be a long-term fixture, their longevity is greatly influenced by diligent care practices. With proper maintenance, which includes regular dental check-ups and a commitment to exemplary oral hygiene, dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime. This permanence not only restores oral function, allowing for natural chewing and speaking, but also contributes significantly to enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the smile.
Dental implants and traditional dentures represent distinct approaches to addressing tooth loss, each with unique characteristics. The key distinction lies in the anchorage method. Dental implants, surgically placed into the jawbone, offer unparalleled stability and prevent the bone loss commonly associated with missing teeth. Beyond their structural advantages, implants provide a more natural feel and functionality, mimicking the sensation of natural teeth. In contrast, traditional dentures, while removable and more affordable, may pose challenges such as slipping or discomfort. The choice between these options involves considerations of stability, comfort, and the desire for a solution that closely replicates the natural dentition, ultimately aligning with individual preferences and oral health goals.
While the dental implant procedure involves surgical intervention, patients typically experience minimal discomfort during the process. Local anaesthesia is administered to ensure that the treatment area is numb, effectively alleviating pain during the implant placement. Post-surgery, some individuals may encounter mild soreness or swelling, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications and cold compresses. The discomfort is generally short-lived, and as the healing progresses, any residual pain diminishes. Our experienced dental professionals prioritise patient comfort and employ advanced techniques to minimise discomfort throughout the implant journey, ensuring a positive and well-tolerated experience.
Yes, dental implants are generally considered safe and have a high success rate. The procedure is routine, with thorough planning and assessment conducted to ensure suitability for each patient. Like any surgical intervention, there are minimal risks, such as infection or implant failure, but these are rare and can be mitigated through proper pre-operative evaluation and post-operative care. Adhering to the dentist's instructions, maintaining good oral hygiene, and attending regular follow-up appointments contribute to the overall safety and success of dental implants.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry presents effective solutions for addressing chipped or cracked teeth, seamlessly blending aesthetic enhancements with functional restoration. Dental bonding is a versatile technique where a tooth-coloured resin is applied and sculpted to the damaged tooth, restoring its shape and integrity. For more extensive damage, veneers provide a thin but durable covering over the tooth's front surface, ensuring a natural and harmonious appearance. Additionally, crowns, which encase the entire tooth, offer robust protection and reinforcement, particularly beneficial for extensively damaged teeth. These cosmetic interventions not only renew the visual appeal of the smile but also contribute to the overall strength and longevity of the treated teeth. Consulting with a skilled dentist allows for personalised recommendations based on the nature and extent of the damage, ensuring a tailored approach that delivers both aesthetic and functional benefits.
Professional teeth whitening administered by a dentist is widely regarded as a safe and effective cosmetic dental procedure. The process typically involves using a higher concentration of whitening agents than over-the-counter products, ensuring efficient and controlled results. The longevity of these results, however, is influenced by several factors. Lifestyle choices, such as smoking or consuming staining substances like coffee or red wine, can impact the duration of the whitening effect. Practising good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, along with routine dental check-ups, contributes significantly to maintaining the brightness of your smile. While individual experiences may vary, many individuals enjoy the benefits of professional teeth whitening for an extended period, especially when coupled with conscientious oral care practices and lifestyle modifications.

Dental veneers, meticulously crafted from either porcelain or composite resin, represent thin, custom-made shells tailored to cover the front surface of teeth. These versatile shells serve as a transformative cosmetic dentistry solution, addressing issues like discolouration, chips, or misalignments. What makes dental veneers exceptional is their ability to enhance the overall appearance of the smile, seamlessly concealing imperfections and creating a harmonious, uniform aesthetic. The materials, particularly high-quality porcelain, not only replicate the natural translucency of teeth but also provide durability and resistance to staining.

Yes, dental veneers can effectively address gaps between teeth and mild misalignments. By placing veneers on the affected teeth, a cosmetic dentist can create a more uniform appearance, closing gaps and enhancing overall dental alignment.
Dental veneers do not require extensive maintenance but benefit from regular oral hygiene practices like brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. While veneers are resistant to staining, it's advisable to avoid excessive consumption of staining substances like coffee or tobacco to ensure their longevity.
The Zoom whitening procedure typically takes about 45 minutes to an hour. While it is a safe and effective option for many, individual candidacy is determined through a consultation with a dentist. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals with certain dental conditions may be advised against the procedure.
The longevity of Zoom whitening results varies, influenced by individual habits and lifestyle choices. With proper oral care and avoidance of staining substances, results can last for an extended period. While effective against a range of stains, intrinsic discolouration may require additional treatments or alternative cosmetic solutions.
Zoom whitening is generally well-tolerated, and any discomfort experienced is usually minimal. Some patients may feel temporary tooth sensitivity or gum irritation, but these effects typically subside shortly after the procedure. Dentists often apply a fluoride treatment post-whitening to alleviate sensitivity.


Family Doctor Services

Our family doctors provide comprehensive healthcare services for patients of all ages, from newborns to the elderly. Whether you're seeking medical care for your child's developmental milestones or managing age-related health concerns for yourself or an elderly family member, our experienced family doctors offer personalised care tailored to each patient's unique needs.
Our team of family doctors provides care for a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses and conditions. Whether you're experiencing symptoms of a common cold, managing a chronic health condition, or seeking preventive care, our experienced doctors offer comprehensive medical services to address your healthcare needs.
Yes, appointments are generally recommended, but we also accommodate walk-ins for your convenience.
We are open from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays, our hours are from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM.